1/100 Gundam Virtue “Gundam Virtue Mode”

Here it is as promise, the second part of the review for “1/100 Gundam Virtue” ^^ This time it features Gundam Virtue ^^


There isn’t much different between Virtue and Nadleeh in terms of details and looks. Both looks great (Now I’m tempted to get a 2nd set so just I can display both >_< ), but mobility wise there’s a big difference. As mentioned before, Nadleeh has pretty much limited mobility. Now you can imagine for Virtue with all the added armors ^^; Mobility pretty much cut by half ( > _ < );

As for cast off and transformation, it isn’t that hard to do ^^ If you compared it to Unicorn‘s transformation, this is nothing :p If you ever played an action figure that can be cast off, pretty much like it.

Anyway, the usual shots~

virtue 2

virtue 3

virtue 4

virtue 5

virtue 6

virtue 7

Close up~

virtue 8

virtue 9

Action shots~

virtue 10

virtue 11

virtue 12

virtue 13

Celestial Beings assembled!!~

virtue 14

virtue 15

Next target would be “1/100 Gundam Astraea” which coming out this month ( > _ < )/


10 Responses to “1/100 Gundam Virtue “Gundam Virtue Mode””

  1. Erie Says:

    Nice, great job.
    Any plans on getting the 1:144 GN-Amor / Exia kit or the 3 Throne Gundams?

  2. wcloudxkumo Says:

    Thx ^^;

    I only collect 1/100 scale and above ^^; So I might not be getting the thrones, unless they release a 1/100 scale of it. As for GN Arms, it’s an exception so I might be getting it. But for now, I’ve no plans on getting the 1/144 scales ^^;

    Next one on my list will be 1/100 Astraea which will be released this month, followed by MG Force Impulse and MG Shin Musha ^^

  3. KoNz3n Says:

    I want gundam marker tutorial 😦

  4. Indigo Deville Says:

    Among four of them, my favourites are Exia for its slim looking design and Virtue for its BIG BAD GUY looks. Virtue looks kinda send out the message: “DON”T TRY TO MESS WITH ME!!!”

  5. Brian Says:

    WOW!! You got all 4 of them in 1/100!! You painted them pretty well, too. I only got the Exia in 1/100, but I got all four of them + Nadleeh in HG 1/144. How much did you get this for?

  6. Sam Says:

    Hey…..can the Virtue transform into Nadleeh?

  7. wcloudxkumo Says:


    If you total up all 4 of them, it’ll be closed to S$200 ^^;


    Yep, you can cast off the armor for Nadleeh ^^

  8. ALJ Says:

    Hey! Remember me? I’m the guy that ask you about the panel linings for kyrios. I’m sort of a newbie so when I painted kyrios, the result was horrible.(Especially when I tried to erase them with my Mum’s nailpolish remover)
    Anyway, on to the question. I want to get another 1/100 scale model from gundam 00 but I’m not sure which. Can you reccomend me one that has preferably lesser painting and good in terms of looks and quality?(e.g. XXXX parts don’t fall off easily) I don’t really mind doing Panel Lines.

  9. wcloudxkumo Says:


    Hmmm, if you are going for the Gundam, I can recommend Dynames. My Dynames doesn’t need much painting compared to others, just panel linings ^^

    It quite sturdy also, and still looks cool at the same time ^^

  10. Justin Says:

    Hey WCloudx,

    Hopefully your still reading the comments and can respond… I recently bought the 1/100 virtue model you just did and was wondering if you had painted it. It looks great in the photos, and i usually paint my models but was thinking maybe to go a different route this time.

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